Globe Remembers
Each June, we honour the members of our extended Globe family who have passed away in the previous year
Every year we mark our Founder, Sam Wanamaker’s, birthday on 14 June with an important remembrance event.
We take a moment after the Saturday matinee closest to his birthday, not only to remember him and all of his work, but also those members of the wider Globe family – staff, stewards, volunteers, former theatre company and board members – who have passed away in the previous year.
Their names are read out by our Chief Executive, and the audience is asked to give a minute’s applause in their honour and memory. We then host a reception for friends and families to share stories about their loved ones.
The names of those remembered are printed on a wooden plaque, which hangs at stage door for a year, before being placed in our archive.
This year, although the Globe remains closed due to the current pandemic, we have moved Globe Remembers online.
Please join us in honouring those who have passed this year with gratitude for all they contributed to the life and soul of Shakespeare’s Globe over many years.
Fred C. Adams
Raymond Boyce MBE
Tony Britton
Kristin Marie Dunstan
Crispin Hunt
Jean Jayer
Kristin Linklater
Camille McCray
Fuad Nahdi
Paul D. Nelson
John Tydeman OBE
Franco Zeffirelli KBE, Gr. Uff.
May we applaud them for at least a minute from our own homes. Our condolences to their friends and family.
There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.
— Hamlet, Act IV scene 5

Photographer: Sarah Lee.